Join us for this Pacifica Online Author Spotlight with Dr. Susan Rowland as we talk about her newest JABR detective novel, The Alchemy Fire Murder (Chiron, 15th Feb 2023). In this novel, her newest addition in a series, Susan situates the psychological impact of the climate emergency within the framework of a murder mystery featuring a feminine hero.
Jungian arts-based research places creativity at the heart of knowing and being. In so doing it promotes a social-justice oriented, Transdisciplinary paradigm while bringing back the almost forgotten, but never wholly abandoned, practice of alchemy. The Alchemy Fire Murder, uses the mystery genre to explore what was lost when colonial alchemy got swallowed up. With some surprising twists that delve into feminist waters and integrate Susan’s incredible literary and psychoanalytic scholarship, this mystery novel asks some big questions:
How far do climate exacerbated wildfires speak to firey emotions? Might the challenge to find new narratives offer something to the origin story of America itself? Are we witnessing a new emergence of archetypal feminine heroism that offers a more generative integration of power? How will this influence contemporary understanding of the meta-narratives that have historically shaped the origin stories of America?
Buy the book and join us for what is sure to be a thought provoking and interesting conversation with this world recognized, post-Jungian scholar, professor and author.
